Everything about reservations and group classes

The clubs have been reopened. The report generated based on general eFitness load statistics shows that the situation looks better and the percentage of returns tends to the results achieved a year ago. Group classes are one of the elements that most encourage you to return to the fitness club.

Group classes are the heart of many fitness clubs. They are also one of the best ways to maintain regularity of exercise and motivation among club members. Good classes are the easy way to build a community.

Professional trainers, appropriate equipment and space – what else is needed to make classes perfect? How to encourage members and make it easier for you to manage a fitness club? In this article, we will focus on three tips that will help you organize your activities efficiently. 


Make sure that members, as well as potential clients, have access to the always up-to-date schedule. A wide range of activities in your club can be a great incentive for new people. Those interested should not have a problem with checking the date of classes, their description or finding information about the instructor leading them. The Customer Area and the mobile application integrated with your club’s website will help in this task.


A schedule with a user-friendly class booking system is essential. Nobody likes group classes in an overcrowded room. Thanks to convenient and quick registration for classes, club members will be able to reserve a place without involving the reception staff. Now, during sanitary restrictions imposed on clubs, taking care of the right number of people in the room is a must. The reservation system will give your customers the confidence that a safe place to exercise awaits them at the club.

Booking classes in the Customer Area from eFitness is a few clicks for clients. That’s all it takes to attend classes in comfortable conditions. Is your club tormented by unused reservations? We’ll help end it. What options do we have to use here? First of all, in the eFitness system, you decide on what conditions the booking is made. For example, you can put an automatic block on members who do not appear in the booked classes. It’s easy! Remember also that at your disposal is also sending automatic notifications – all so that clients do not forget about the upcoming training! 

Your business model 

We hope that after reopening your club is doing great and the members have returned to regular training. However, there are probably also some of your clients who, for various reasons, cannot afford regular club visits. Individual classes paid with the Pay As You Go method can be a great nod to them. Thanks to this, you don’t lose members forever, you only help them survive a harder time. You will certainly appreciate this opportunity! Regardless of whether you run a fitness club, dance school, yoga studio, or CrossFit – eFitness software is here to meet the requirements of your business. Facility management software must give you flexibility. That is why in eFitness you will find many options for configuring the schedule and booking classes.

What possibilities does the eFitness system give? Entering permanent reservations, configurations of courses, incidental, superior classes, personal training, and much more – all so that your club can operate the way you want. Don’t forget that you can enjoy the benefits of online classes all the time! Some of the club members already love this form of classes for good. Let online classes permanently appear in your schedule, being a great complement to training in the fitness club!

Written by
Asia Balicka