#1 episode | Key technologies that help your gym to stand out on the market and win clients




The first episode of the eFitness Meets Business podcast we talk to Jamie Sorensen, the CEO of Nivå Trening, about key technologies that help to differentiate your gym in the market and win clients.

In the episode, Jamie will walk us through the technologies he has chosen for his fitness club in Norway. The CEO of Nivå Trening focused on technology, creating the concept of the club. In the podcast, he will describe the strategic advantages of the technology used in the club and how all of this translates into additional revenue.

Also, coronavirus speeded up the implementation of digital offerings into many fitness clubs. The owner of Nivå Trening is very strategic in how to implement technology stack into the club:

I think it’s expected of our users, of the market in general. If you do airlines, banking, car rentals, clothing, shopping online, it’s digital, and people are used to this digital experience. So we want to deliver on that as well as the training experience itself.

How to create a seamless solution that best meets the needs of club members? Jamie knows the answer:

It’s important for us to try to create the whole ecosystem with the technology. We use the eFitness software, which is powerful, and then to attain membership software and administrate everything with the memberships and all administration related to that there. Of course, we want to have the whole ecosystem to create the best possible experience for the end-user.

Nivå Trening works in one big technological ecosystem integrating MyWellness Cloud from Technogym with eFitness system. What does integration allow the club to do?

These two different systems are really powerful together, creating the best membership software and the training system as MyWellness system has so many features for the training, giving like a one step for the user. It’s powerful, and it helps us create a good service.

Are you curious how are members reacting to your technology stack? Listen to the whole episode!



Jamie Sorensen

CEO of Nivå Trening, Norway

Linkedin profile

Instagram profile



00:00-02:24 – Intro
02:25-04:22 – About Nivå Trening
04:23-06:24 – What’s your strategic advantage?
06:25-09:26 – Technology in the club and the best possible training experience
09:27-12:18 – Whole digital experience designed for club members
12:19-13:38 – How to translate technology into additional revenue for the club?
13:39-15:54 – How to promote premium membership with access to the group classes?
15:55-17:41 – Which features of the app were crucial for your gym?
17:45-22:36 – How are club members reacting to the technology stack?
22:40-26:04 – How are you getting new members into the club? Online and offline activities


Fitness industry. Development. Gym Owners. The best solutions. Fit and fun.

In the eFitness MEETS BUSINESS podcast we talk to gym owners and industry experts on how to increase gym profits and expand the business.

Podcast host:

Dawid Skopiasz

International Sales Executive at eFitness

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